Monday 7 March 2011

A little introduction...

The sun is shining, my coffee is brewing and I feel delightfully like Carrie Bradshaw.
I have never written a blog before so I’m not sure how this is going to go. I’m not even entirely sure what I’m going to write about. I have a rough idea but I tend to go off on a tangent at a moments notice, so no doubt that will soon change.
Let me give you a bit of background information to help set the scene. I graduated in July from a Film course into a harsh reality of unemployment. Like many graduates I expected to finish my course and be snapped up into a full time job. As we all now know, this is not the case. I have had a few temporary positions with various companies but these short periods of employment have not provided me with as much money as I would have hoped. I now spend most days sitting by the phone, waiting on yet another rejection call based on my ‘lack of experience’ or sitting at my laptop sifting through job sites. Neither of these things bring a great deal of joy to my life and to be perfectly honest, I’m getting rather tired of it all.
However, in the past few months I have had an epiphany. I have always enjoyed making my own jewellery, just a few bits and bobs to match to my outfits when Topshop didn’t have quite what I was looking for. Recently though I have decided that this is what I would like to pursue. I have made some samples to see how they go down with friends and family and as much as I would really love to make a go of this, I need some money to do that.
This blog shall document an amateur jewellery designer, on a journey through temp jobs, haberdasheries and everything in between.

Welcome to Teecey’s World!

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