Saturday 13 August 2011

A lot can change...

Well hello lovely readers! Over the last couple of months a lot has changed, so I shall update you briefly on what’s been going on in my life.

Firstly I took my annual holiday to a remote village in Scotland with my best friends. One of the girls has a family house up there so we take a trip every year and behave like students again. It’s a tiny little village with a pub and a local shop that opens for a few hours, a few days a week. Ibiza it is not. Wine, face masks, films, grass sledging, nightly pub visits – Although it wouldn’t be most peoples cup of tea, we have great fun and can enjoy each others company for a full week, every year.

Secondly, I have moved back home to Milton Keynes. I headed up north to go to University in 2007; I met my lovely boyfriend up there during that time so when I graduated last July, I decided to stick round for a bit longer. Alas, the south (and my friends) called me home so back I travelled with the boyfriend and my pet fish, Howard, in tow.
After 2 weeks of job searching I got an interview and the very next day they offered me the job! I start on Monday as a ‘compliance officer’ for a recruitment company – a fancy job title I know. Although nervous, I’m also very excited (more so about my new ‘workwear’ wardrobe) hopefully things will work out and it’ll be lovely to have a few spare pennies to spend on my Autumn/Winter wish list.

I’ve also been working very hard on my jewellery. I’ve got some necklaces and earrings made and I can not wait to get them up online. Fingers crossed, I’ll have them on Folksy soon and will pop some pictures and links on here as well.

In other news, my car failed its MOT on Thursday so I’m officially stranded until some point next week when it will be fixed. Meanwhile I’m having to sweet talk my way into getting lifts anytime I want to leave the house. It’s like being a teenager again!

Just a quick post today, the next one will be dedicated to my handmade jewellery so keep your eyes peeled (or subscribe so you never mss out!)  

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!