Thursday 14 July 2011

A Guide to Charity Shopping

As promised this post is all about charity shopping. I spend most of my life in charity shops, on the hunt for another bargain. I find the whole experience enthralling. I love to delve into other peoples discarded things and find treasures. Each piece has a story behind it and the thought of giving old clothes a new lease of life is exciting.
Granted, some days the hunt doesn’t amount to much. But other days, I come home with bags of goodies.
Luckily for me, the majority of my closest friends also enjoy a good hunt in a charity shop, so we can rummage around together and swap stories of our greatest finds.
I know that many people hate the idea of rummaging in a charity shop and wearing other people’s clothes. But in a time where money is tight and high street prices just seem to be getting higher, recycling and re-using is surely the best way forward.
In this post I will share my top tips for finding those treasures, my favourite items bought in charity shops, and a mini how to guide for those who find the experience daunting.

My Top Tips:
1) Unlike shopping on the high street, you can’t really go with a shopping list or a set idea of what you want to purchase. Keep an open mind.
2) Don’t rush. Take your time and look through each rail, shelf and basket. You never know where that perfect buy will be hiding.
3) Never forget to try things on. Most charity shops (that sell clothes) will have a fitting room. Most charity shops also have a returns policy but there’s no reason you can’t try things on before buying as you would in a high street store.
4) Bring a big bag to pile all your new purchases in.
5) Use your imagination. Get creative and use the sewing skills you learnt in school! If you love something but its too long, too big etc. Get to work and customize it yourself. Or if you’re not so confident with a needle and thread get a relative or friend to help you out.  
6) Have fun! It’s about the hunt, and the feeling that you get when you find an amazing bargain.

I currently live with my boyfriend and his family. Luckily for me, there is a small town just a few minutes down the road that has some fantastic charity shops. I visit them at LEAST once a week as they’re constantly rotating stock and receiving new donations.
I’ve had some truly unbelievable purchases from these little shops. Beautiful pieces at rock-bottom prices, though I’ve found some label-less wonders too.
Here are some of my favourites that I just couldn't live without:

The bag on the left is a black clutch that I picked up for just £2. It’s a staple for any evening outfit and has been borrowed many times! The Chiltern Satchel was just £4.99. I use this bag ALL the time. It’s a great everyday bag and is a lot bigger than it looks. The scarf was just £2.50 and is originally from New Look. A great accessory to jazz up an outfit!

This mac was a great find. Originally from Next it cost just £4. It’s a great little jacket for throwing over outfits in Spring and Autumn AND its tidy enough (despite how scruffy it looks in this picture) to wear to the office.

I squealed when I saw this book on the shelf. I bought the prequel (“How To Walk In High Heels”) in WH Smith for £7.99 last year and loved it. The follow up cost me£1.49. Bargain!

As strange as it sounds, I love tins. Old, rusty tins. When I saw this one for just 50p I had to have it. It’s a handy little storage pot, currently being used for some jewellery. If you want to see the inside – check out the header for this blog.

Finally this little china pot cost 50p. I knew immediately it would be perfect for holding make up brushes and would look lovely on a dressing table. Although I’m saving this for my own house, I popped it out of the wrapping to show you :)
The mirror you can just make out on the left is also from a charity shop, for £1.

These are items that I have purchased over the last year or so. Charity Shops are very good at displaying the most seasonal and relevant stock available. I picked up a beautiful picnic basket just a few weeks ago and I’ve seen some lovely sunglasses on the shelves recently. So find your nearest charity shops and have a good old browse. After all it is for a good cause!

One last thing….. If you find yourself having a spring clean or a wardrobe clear out, think of your local charity shops. I know the ones near me are desperate for some new donations (possibly because I’m buying everything they have).

Hope you found this post interesting and/or helpful! If you have any tips you’d like to share then please leave a comment below or Tweet Me.

1 comment:

  1. Great post, i never seem to find much in charity shops, your items look great.

    Sadie xx
